Meet Stephanie Snyder

We are excited to have the wonderful Stephanie Snyder join us in the Haus as a Phoenix Friend. Learn more about Stephanie with our new Haus profile!

Name: Stephanie Snyder

Superhero alias: StephAsana 

Location: San Francisco

Occupation by day: Chief Mat Washer @Love Story Yoga, and I teach some too :)

Occupation by night: Chief Snuggler w/ Wolfgang, Soren & Slayer the Dog

Favorite food: Yorkshire Pudding

What is your current mood: Excited

Favorite quality in a human: Empathy

Least favorite quality in a human: Dishonesty

Biggest regret: The Dorothy Hammil haircut I had as a kid 

Wildest dream: There are no dreams, just realities waiting for the yes.

Cat or dog: Dog...all day long

Favorite book: Plainsong by Kent Haruf

Favorite yoga pose: Paschimottanasana

What does the word 'Haus' mean to you: Colorful, warm, playful and sincere.

Your life motto: You must do the thing you think you cannot do- Eleanor Roosevelt.

Phoenix Friends: Goddess Flow with Stephanie Snyder

Join Steph for a fun and inspiring flow that focuses on the rich teachings of the divine feminine.


Welcome to the HAUS PARTY Playlist courtesy Meg Younger


Haus Favorite: To Infinity and Beyond