Haus Favorite: To Infinity and Beyond

Asking for my favorite Haus of Phoenix offering would be like asking to name a favorite child — impossible, but mayyyyybe if I had to pick, Meditation Mondays would be seriously high on that list. Because obvious real talk: meditation is one of the most powerful tools in our arsenal. When we actually make the time to sit (oh, the irony of being too busy to calm a busy mind), we walk away better. Happier. Clearer. At Haus, we always end our meditations with five minutes of free-writing because it’s an opportunity to explore our thoughts and intuition as a clear vessel. Free-writing is when you write (or draw) in a stream of consciousness. There is no editing or searching for the perfect word. You just let your mind take over and see what comes out.

I recently led a meditation called ‘To Infinity and Beyond’: a breath-focused meditation using the flowing imagery of the infinity symbol to guide our inhales, exhales, and ultimately, our energy. My free-writing was especially crisp after this experience, and I have found myself contemplating these concepts ever since. I’ve transcribed it below, and encourage you to take this meditation (available in Replays) and notice what comes up for you.

∞ This symbol. Ancient. Sacred. Filled with the universe. As I look at the fluidity of its lines it makes me pause and think we have been taught to have goals, apexes — something to always strive toward. But what if it isn’t about the peak, because in this meditation once you reach the peak, you immediately slide back down with a slight pause at the CENTER — always returning to our center. Then we fall, but only briefly, because we then climb back up and start the entire cycle again. So is it about trust? Is it about lack of control? Embracing the yin with the yang? I’m so intrigued and want to understand this formula because I believe it is imperative to my ‘success’ — not to the road toward success but toward supporting my mental health. I want to trust being sad. I want to be on this ride, experiencing the thrill of the decent, and the anticipation of the rise, for ultimately, the top and bottom are just blips along the way.

Meditation Mondays: To Infinity & Beyond with Kathryn Budig

This breath-focused meditation uses the flowing imagery of the infinity symbol to guide our inhales, exhales, and ultimately, our energy.


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