Haus Classes for Taurus Season ♉️

How does one describe an Taurus? Dependable, grounded and strong — characteristics we’ve matched from our Haus of Phoenix Replays!

There’s now more than 540 on-demand videos in our Replay Library! Have you explored them yet? Enjoy!


Inspired by our 'Plant the Seed' meditation, this practice uses grounding postures (think low  warriors, modified side planks, supported single pigeons) as a way of embodying earth in our body. This foundational flow is an excellent practice for intention setting or exploring the potential of a new idea. Use this to 'know thyself'.

Experience the unique, rhythmic beat contained within each of the elements in this movement-meditation practice. Guided by the subtlety of the breath, you will deep dive into the nourishment of the earth, the fluency of water, the warmth and wakefulness of fire, and the invigoration of air. Awaken a sense of grounded aliveness as you align with the forces of nature.


Welcome to a sweet and stretchy flow without any long, difficult holds. This balanced practice opens the shoulders, diving into flow, juicy hip work, and sprinkles of playful movement. Tried and true, this class will be one you return to again and again.

Back to Basics is a lovely intro to the vinyasa flow practice or a great pick-me-up for the seasoned practitioner! Use this to build a strong understanding of foundational poses such as sun salutation A, warrior ii and triangle, a fun standing balance, and seated folds and hip openers. Enough heat to feel challenged, but slow enough for all levels to benefit.


Brace yourself for the story of Kali Ma: the Hindu goddess of Change, Creation, Destruction and Power. This terrifying and often misunderstood goddess is complex; she cannot easily fit into the typical western narrative of good versus evil. This practice will flow and workshop through postures that embody Kali's destructive force and dynamic origin story. Be prepared to honor your darkness and let your power rise.

This ladder-style practice uses classic poses with unique transitions to create a repetitive and heat-building flow. Each round will build on each other, building some toasty-goodness! Postures focus on core, oblique and twist work.


Pasta w/ Tomato Coconut Gravy from Stir the Pot

